Today is HOT! Paws and hot pavement don't mix!
If you are planning on going outside and want to take your dog, this is a reminder of how hot the pavement can be on their paws. If you're unsure as to how hot the pavement or sidewalk is, place the back of your hand on it. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog!
The summer heat in Las Vegas can also be very taxing on our pets. Leave them home as much as possible, never leave them in vehicles (we have shared a video below which shows how hot a vehicle's internal temperature can get), make sure your pets have plenty of shade and water, and keep them properly groomed (a thinner coat or shorter hair helps them keep cool). There is a link below with more tips to help your pet stay cool as well as what can happen when pets walk on hot pavement.
Enjoy your summer and help your pets enjoy theirs!
Photo: Getty Images