Two Of The Most Hated Highways In The U.S. Are In Nevada

Blurry image of rush hour traffic on busy highway at sunset

Photo: Getty Images

There are some highways drivers do everything they can in their power to avoid for various reasons. Some of these include prolonged travel times, difficult turns or road conditions that are in desperate need of repairs.

On these heavily avoided routes, the journey is not just a simple commute. Tales of traffic jams that stretch into eternity, road rage that simmers like a slow-burning fuse and frequent collisions that echo through the concrete create an atmosphere of continuous chaos. Each mile traveled feels like a battle won against the forces of congestion.

These are not the well-maintained paths that lead to picturesque destinations. Instead, they are the well-known for being very well avoided stretches of road that seem to defy the very essence of transportation. A lot of those behind the wheel wouldn't be too thrilled to navigate these on their daily commute.

A recent ranking has revealed the top 100 most loathed highways across the U.S. based on a survey of 3,000 drivers.

Included in this list are two Nevada highways: I-15 at number 28 and US-95 at number 93.

"I-15: Particularly in the Las Vegas area, this interstate often faces congestion.
US-95: Also in the Las Vegas region, this highway can become quite busy."

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