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Each state has qualities that set it apart from other states. Some states are better at physical fitness and healthy eating, while others are known for fried foods and high obesity rates. Some states are known for their sunny, hot weather conditions while others are known for wet, cold, and snowy conditions.
Reader's Digest released a list of what each state is best and worst at.
According to the list, Nevada is best at rock climbing. This makes sense for the state since it's the state with the most mountains in the entire nation.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Nevada has it's downfalls too. The list says that Nevada is worst at "public schools." So what caused the state's schools to get so bad?
Here's what the Reader's Digest says about Nevada's public schools:
"But unfortunately, the school system in the Silver System has not climbed to the top. Instead, it sits at the bottom, where it's been dubbed the worst in the entire country thanks to lack of funding, poor test scores, and the second-lowest graduation rate."
Click here to see what every other state is best and worst at.