The Raiders To Present Grant For Project Safe 417 To Mark 1-Year Milestone

Raiders alumni, representatives from SafeNest, Las Vegas Metro Police Department, and community leaders will join at SafeNest on Thursday, January 24th, from 10:00am to 11:00am to present a grant for Project Safe 417.

From the press release:

The Raiders will present a grant for Project Safe 417 (PS417), which is provided by SafeNest in cooperation with Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, duringa multi-agency press conference to mark the one-year milestone of the program. PS417 is a unique program to address and reduce domestic violence related abuse and homicides within the Las Vegas Valley. The police code for domestic violence calls is 417.

PS417 is designed to bridge the gap in services to domestic violence victims between the time LVMPD officers respond to a call, to the time when a victim connects with SafeNest and other resources. The program partners trained SafeNest volunteer advocates with LVMPD officers to provide immediate crisis advocacy to victims onsite at the scene of the incident. The program launched December 2017 at the Northwest Area Command, operating three days a week, with volunteer crisis advocates deployed from the SafeNest crisis hotline center. PS417 expanded into Spring Valley in October 2018 and currently operates seven days a week during peak LVMPD call hours.For over 20 years SafeNest has been dedicated to creating social change and preventing domestic violence in Clark County. They provide emergency and legal services, safe housing and long-term counseling for victims and survivors of relationship abuse.

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